Student Excellence Awards


The Student Association for Fire Ecology presents Student Excellence awards to recognize undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate great service and potential as a professional in the field of fire ecology.

Criteria for the Graduate Award:

  • Academics: Must have 3.5 or better G.P.A. in all graduate work

  • Research: The individual must demonstrate a contribution to the field of fire ecology such as papers/articles which have been written/published, presentation/speeches given at conferences, etc. in ongoing or completed research in the field of fire ecology, fire behavior, or fire effects.

  • Education and Activities in Fire Ecology: This includes involvement in fire ecology organization/activities (fire crew member, nominated/elected SAFE officer, active member in other fire ecology related organizations) and academic course work related to fire ecology and fire behavior (examples include S-Classes and university level fire ecology or fire science classes)

  • Leadership: An active member who is involved in their local SAFE chapter with a desire for further education in the field of fire ecology and promotes the involvement of others.

Criteria for the Undergraduate Award:

  • Academics: Must have 3.0 or better cumulative G.P.A.

  • Education and Activities in Fire Ecology: This includes involvement in fire ecology organization/activities (fire crew member, nominated/elected SAFE officer, active member in other fire ecology related organizations) and academic course work related to fire ecology and fire behavior (examples include S-Classes and university level fire ecology or fire science classes)

  • Leadership: An active member who is involved in their local SAFE chapter with a desire for further education in the field of fire ecology and promotes the involvement of others.


Any active member of AFE or SAFE can submit a nomination by using the form below. Incomplete or late nominations will not be considered. After your nomination has been submitted, a copy of it will be emailed to you for your records.

Fill out my online form.